Pop culture obsessives writing for the pop culture obsessed.
Saloni Gajjar
Saloni Gajjar is a staff writer (TV) running on caffeine. Her work experience includes NBC, Mashable, Complex, Interview Magazine. She's a member of the Television Critics Association & WGAE.

S1 of Dr. Death was some horrifying entertainment, given it all actually happened. I didn’t know there was a plan for a second season, but the anthology thing should work if they bring the same level of quality to the new story. I just caught an article on the S2 real life doctor. Yikes. 

There’s a book from Amélie Nothomb; a french writer; called “sulphuric acid” which is about a game show that tries to emulate Auschwitz (where they absolutely kill people). I wonder if netflix is thinking about adapting the show from the book. (this is about how I feel about the squid game live show for context)

All the money they spent on this could have been better put towards producing more episodes of “The Floor is Lava” which is uncomplicated, stupid fun.

During the summary of what happened over the past 10 years between season one thing caught my attention and the was Canada didn’t join the M7. While I can come up with different theories for why China didn’t I can’t think of any for Canada because they would have joined just to ensure they could maintain some sort of p Read more

As always, the series balances sci-fi with grounded drama Read more

Initial take: Wow this completely missed the point of the show, that’s embarrassing. Read more

“Well, I’ve got two teenage boys and [those critiques] wouldn’t even enter their mind as to what that show is about.” Read more

I would say that this guy is basically a real life, non-parody version of Jack Donaghy making MILF Island...but MILF Manor has already been done. Read more


Yeah even setting aside the complete contradiction of the original show’s message, the pressure in the original came from the knowledge that death was on the line. You take that out of the equation and all you've got is a bunch of dumb games wearing dated Halloween costumes. 

Patrick DeWitt is my favorite working author, so I’m glad somebody enjoyed The Librarianist, but it certainly wasn’t for me. Definitely my least favorite thing he's written. Bob Comet is an excellent name, though.

“Well, I’ve got two teenage boys and [those critiques] wouldn’t even enter their mind as to what that show is about.” Read more

Why would anyone watch this when there’s a new season of Takeshi’s Castle out?

when only one of them receives a burger and fries, but the rest frantically descend on the tray for a fry or two Read more

I don’t think review “fretted” over this show’s morals. It asks how it exists, given its lack of morals, common sense, and fun. The latter two qualities - particularly the last - are arguably the most important part of a reality show. As you note, many other reality shows are as immoral, but I don’t really see why it Read more

When I clicked on this I thought it was going to be a (p)review of a second season to the show. The moment I found out it was a reality TV spinoff I think I barfed in my mouth a bit

Why is it still called “reality” tv at this point? All aspects of every show are heavily produced and scripted. Real people don’t talk like the ones in these shows do. Read more

Yeah, I expected as much from this “real” version of the show. The spectre of death was what made the series interesting. How much would you endure to have money/save your family from financial ruin/etc. Read more

There were multiple episodes in that final season where in the middle of a Roman scene I was out loud saying "Culkin better get an Emmy for this." Narrowing down to one episode would be hard, but for me, either the ep where Logan dies and Rome is just in that weird fragile denial mode that felt very raw, or the Read more

I hope Culkin, Snook and Macfadyen all win. Strong is amazing too, but he already won. I feel like actors who are considered ‘serious’ like Strong are always going to have advantage over Culkin as award contenders. This not a shade on Strong, who I repeat is always great, but on academy voters. Culkin has been Read more

Doing a rewatch of the series now in anticipation of season 3, and I just gotta say... Read more